His coffin has the place of honour at the front of the compound, but such is the size of the gathering that marquees had been erected in the street outside the house. There family members congregate after paying their respects. Food and soft drinks are regularly dispensed, gossip is exchanged and games of chance are played.

On the evening I attended there were 2 games of poker being played by the adults, albeit for low stakes, and a game of bingo for the kids. Visiting relative’s cars blocked off access to street on either side of the marquees.
There was no animosity from neighbours at this restriction to free access to their homes. In fact, a group of neighbours manned the entrance to the street advising motorists to find an alternative route.
Yes - in other cultures (not western) there is a real appreciation that death is living.
A death in a Filipino family is always seen as an opportunity for family members to gather together and update themselves on each others' lives. More than an occasion to remember the life of the dear departed one, it is a way of renewing and strengthening ties within the family. You often see more family members attending a wake than a reunion on any other occasion.
Thanks for your input Blue and Anna. This wake went on for several days to allow relatives from overseas to get back to the islands and pay their respects.
I'm sorry to hear of your loss. :-(
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