Never one to miss a sales opportunity, stores of various kinds were offering congratulations and special deals to the 2005/2006 graduating students. With certificate frames for those coveted pieces of paper being prominent in the promotions. The start of April is the graduation season.
Elementary schools, high schools, technical colleges and Universities all hold their farewells to the students who are moving on to their next phase of education or out into the work force.

My stepson graduated this year after four years of study with a Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management, along with five hundred of his peers, from the University of Santo Tomas’ College of Education. With the seven colleges and eight faculties at UST combined with some twenty five Universities and Colleges of Advance education throughout Metro Manila the number of new graduates looking for jobs is staggering.
It does make one wonder how many will still be looking for work in their chosen field when next years graduates enter the market place. One suspects that the tenacious graduates with a real urge to follow their calling will succeed. The others will languish on the side lines or travel the OFW route and take menial work in another country whilst their framed degree’s gather dust on distant, familiar walls.
frightening true.
The thought of some many young people who must leave their home country just to find menial work is heartbreaking. "Brain drain" doesn't seem to even begin to cover it.
It is a sad fact of life here in the Philippines. Unfortunately, it seems that the government is encouraging it. They bring the dollars back home, after all.
Aint that the truth Anna, I recall reading somewhere that it is considered a major export for the country.
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