For a couple of weeks prior to the festivities bunting had been stretched across the streets announcing its impending arrival. Situated in the parish of St Peter and St Paul, the feast days for these saints was the excuse for the residents to spill out onto the streets and party. The samahang (street councils) had organized activities to entertain the kids and after the downing of enough San Mig for the adults.

The most notable activity of the second day of the fiesta was the marching bands. Twice they paraded through the streets. Marching girls with flags in the lead followed by drum and xylophone bands or silver bands all dressing in colourful uniforms enticing the residents out of their homes to join the party.

After the second parade the bands congregated in the town square, which is more of a triangle, and there they each played in turn. Each band presented a couple of tunes, the associated marching girls performed their routines whilst the traffic on JP Rizal Avenue, which runs through the square, waited patiently for them to finish.

I'm enjoying reading your observations on everyday life in the Philippines from an expat's perspective. You write clearly and with an obvious passion for the Philippines and things Filipino. Your words have a wonderful ability to evoke images and memories.
Thanks Euro.
Interesting. Ever been to the Outback Rest/hotel in Baguio?
I liked it and stayed for 10 days a couple of years ago, Now I live on Panay. How do you like TESOL? I got a cert. in that before retiring from sch. teach in the arctic, but I never got around to using it since living is so cheap in the PI.
Thanks for your comment Jim. Where is Panay? I have heard of the Outback pub in Baguio but have yet to experience its delights or those of Baguio even, but it is on the to do list.
Teaching is interesting, being new to it I am discovering there is a lot more work involved than meets the eye. I am starting to enjoy it now I have an idea of what I am doing and my students, 2 korean kids, are a delight.
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